Sunday, September 9


I was laying in my hemp nest last night and contemplating the moon. The cool night air placing soft kisses of condensation on the few chest hairs that adorn my yogically sculpted torso. I felt truly in touch with nature and could imagine my germanic ancestors in a similar repose whilst awaiting battle against the Roman legions camped just inside the treeline.

But wait, something has evolved in humanity..well at least in me..perhaps the rest of you will follow my lead.

Anyhoo, I realized that in my pocket I had the iphone. The evolutionary next step in software and hardware. In my hand I felt how the hardened glass surface allowed subtle play with my agile prestidigitations.

Wow, so I can fully appreciate the pervasive Buddha nature of nature pervading my tangible tissue and the potential of unending information and connectivity offered by the iphone. Finally I have reached a state of cyborg like interaction between man and machine.

Dude, I am okay with that balance. My appreciation of one thing does not deny me the appreciation of the other.