Many of you loyal readers know that some time ago I planned to bike around the world for peace with my good friend William. Well, do any of you out there know how far it is around the world? I didn’t. It’s a hella long way. Way too far to bike. Plus there’s water in the way. And William totally bailed on me anyway.
So, with my aspirations of delivering the message of peace through excessive exercise dashed, I turned towards more sedentary and attainable means of allowing my positive energy to flow through others.
I soon devised a plan to ride the train across the country for peace. Not nearly as impressive, I know, but way easier. The opportunity arose earlier this summer when I was going to be heading out to Minneapolis and New York to visit my sister. Aha, I realized, all I really had to do was tack on a few miles to make it to DC, and interject the word ‘peace’ into my travel plans, and voila! Train ride for peace! The results of that trip can be found on my fake blog (it doesn’t get updated very often, I think my fake writers are lazy stoner hippies).
However, some might argue that my message of peace wasn’t quite as loud as it could be, despite my in-depth train discussions on trout fishing and etymology, and having tea with a Congress dude. So, I’m sending another message, and this one I intend to be heard loud and clear.
I’m walking around the block for peace! That’s right, at 1pm (or so, whenever I get up and get dressed) tomorrow, I’m going to walk outside, turn right, and walk all the way around the block. I encourage all other peace-loving individuals to do the same, as close to 1pm as you can. That will really make our corrupt corporate-driven government stand up and take notice!
Next week I’ll probably ride my bike to work. For peace. If anyone out there wants to sponsor my efforts, you know how to find me.