Wednesday, December 5
Sunday, September 9
being alone
is like being stuck at the gas station of love and being forced to use the self service pump.
I was laying in my hemp nest last night and contemplating the moon. The cool night air placing soft kisses of condensation on the few chest hairs that adorn my yogically sculpted torso. I felt truly in touch with nature and could imagine my germanic ancestors in a similar repose whilst awaiting battle against the Roman legions camped just inside the treeline.
But wait, something has evolved in humanity..well at least in me..perhaps the rest of you will follow my lead.
Anyhoo, I realized that in my pocket I had the iphone. The evolutionary next step in software and hardware. In my hand I felt how the hardened glass surface allowed subtle play with my agile prestidigitations.
Wow, so I can fully appreciate the pervasive Buddha nature of nature pervading my tangible tissue and the potential of unending information and connectivity offered by the iphone. Finally I have reached a state of cyborg like interaction between man and machine.
Dude, I am okay with that balance. My appreciation of one thing does not deny me the appreciation of the other.
But wait, something has evolved in humanity..well at least in me..perhaps the rest of you will follow my lead.
Anyhoo, I realized that in my pocket I had the iphone. The evolutionary next step in software and hardware. In my hand I felt how the hardened glass surface allowed subtle play with my agile prestidigitations.
Wow, so I can fully appreciate the pervasive Buddha nature of nature pervading my tangible tissue and the potential of unending information and connectivity offered by the iphone. Finally I have reached a state of cyborg like interaction between man and machine.
Dude, I am okay with that balance. My appreciation of one thing does not deny me the appreciation of the other.
Friday, September 7
Potpourri: a mixture of dried flower petals with herbs and spices used for its fragrance
You have so many relationships in this life,
But only one or two will last.
You go through all the pain and strife,
Then you turn your back and they're gone so fast.
Hold on to the ones who really care,
In the end they'll be the only ones there.
When you get old ....Can you tell me who will still care?
Can you tell me?
Oh yeah, in an INSTANT they're gone.
Plant a seed, plant a flower,
Plant a rose, you can plant any one of those
Keep planting to find out which one grows.
It's a secret no one knows.
Hi there, I put up this poem for you folks to read. I have been pretty busy lately thinking about life. Well tonight I stopped by a local watering hole and had the good fortune to sit down and chat with two attractive and down to earth beauties. I sort of know them but not very well.
I first noticed them for their striking looks but recently I have begun to recognize in them a similar sort of humanity that I have seen deep inside myself. Nothing covering up my soulsong...just ME and that is a rare commodity in human interactions in this neck of the woods.
Anyhow I found out they are moving away and it kinda breaks my heart. I wish them happy adventures but I know that these ladies are not long for my enjoyment. SO....that harkens back to the poem above.
A person does have a seemingly endless amount of interactions and relationships with other people. It may simply be a brief meeting or it may be a long term romantic exchange of soulsong. But in the end how do you know if any of them are something worth putting the energy into? As the poet IS a secret no one knows.
So keep on planting the seeds of a relationship. Or if you have a relationship that is now a seedling...transplant it to a higher level and perhaps the soil of your interactions will allow for it to bloom or grow stronger.
However no one knows if this bloom is perennial or simply a 1 time event. What if you leave the perennial behind and move from your garden. When you return in the distant future it may still be there as as strong as ever for you. ON the flip side you can tend a relationship with the utmost care like a prized bonsai and it will still falter when you have need for it most.
So how can you even recognize what seeds or seedlings are worth giving care to and nurturing towards a hopefully healthy future full of blooms and photosythesis? YOU SIMPLY don't know. But wait too long and you might not even have planted enough starts to care for your heart in your old age.
So should you plant all the same type of plant or simply not try a kind of plant because you think you know of it and what it has to offer? I say to thee NO..a resounding and heartfelt negatory, buddy. Plant those seeds...grab a variety and with sincerity, respect and love be a Johnny Appleseed of interpersonal interactions.
Yes it may be comfortable to only cultivate relationships with people who are into activities you mostly enjoy. But what if those jam band groupies are missing out on other things like Hanson and the spiritually expressive nature of their amazing hit song MmmBop.
YES, that is correct. This whole post has been a meditation on the lyrics to MmmBop. Why did you never see the meaning before? Because you were not open to planting different seeds of understanding. Well the farmer cannot plant crops without understanding the soil. Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see that there is more under the heavens than you ever imagined.
By the way...given what I have shared with you in this post I hope you can now listen to MmmBop and here the VIBRANCY and JOY for life that streams out of the video below. Wow, given the reality that these 3 brothers wrote about in MmmBop...namely the nature of humanity and the uncertain nature of building relationships I feel that the positive feeling shows wisdom far beyond their years. Juxtapose that to stoner jam bands that simply celebrate being high and I think the monumental level of achievment by the Hanson brothers is even more amazing.
Finally I end with why I named this post Potpourri. Basically your memories of your friends, lovers, enemies, family and random encounters form a potpourri in your soul that ends up being the tapestry of your life and in a way defines who you are and were. I hope to make my potpourri one worth savoring. I am well on my way and thank each and everyone of you for helping me to plant that seed or flower!
You have so many relationships in this life,
But only one or two will last.
You go through all the pain and strife,
Then you turn your back and they're gone so fast.
Hold on to the ones who really care,
In the end they'll be the only ones there.
When you get old ....Can you tell me who will still care?
Can you tell me?
Oh yeah, in an INSTANT they're gone.
Plant a seed, plant a flower,
Plant a rose, you can plant any one of those
Keep planting to find out which one grows.
It's a secret no one knows.
Hi there, I put up this poem for you folks to read. I have been pretty busy lately thinking about life. Well tonight I stopped by a local watering hole and had the good fortune to sit down and chat with two attractive and down to earth beauties. I sort of know them but not very well.
I first noticed them for their striking looks but recently I have begun to recognize in them a similar sort of humanity that I have seen deep inside myself. Nothing covering up my soulsong...just ME and that is a rare commodity in human interactions in this neck of the woods.
Anyhow I found out they are moving away and it kinda breaks my heart. I wish them happy adventures but I know that these ladies are not long for my enjoyment. SO....that harkens back to the poem above.
A person does have a seemingly endless amount of interactions and relationships with other people. It may simply be a brief meeting or it may be a long term romantic exchange of soulsong. But in the end how do you know if any of them are something worth putting the energy into? As the poet IS a secret no one knows.
So keep on planting the seeds of a relationship. Or if you have a relationship that is now a seedling...transplant it to a higher level and perhaps the soil of your interactions will allow for it to bloom or grow stronger.
However no one knows if this bloom is perennial or simply a 1 time event. What if you leave the perennial behind and move from your garden. When you return in the distant future it may still be there as as strong as ever for you. ON the flip side you can tend a relationship with the utmost care like a prized bonsai and it will still falter when you have need for it most.
So how can you even recognize what seeds or seedlings are worth giving care to and nurturing towards a hopefully healthy future full of blooms and photosythesis? YOU SIMPLY don't know. But wait too long and you might not even have planted enough starts to care for your heart in your old age.
So should you plant all the same type of plant or simply not try a kind of plant because you think you know of it and what it has to offer? I say to thee NO..a resounding and heartfelt negatory, buddy. Plant those seeds...grab a variety and with sincerity, respect and love be a Johnny Appleseed of interpersonal interactions.
Yes it may be comfortable to only cultivate relationships with people who are into activities you mostly enjoy. But what if those jam band groupies are missing out on other things like Hanson and the spiritually expressive nature of their amazing hit song MmmBop.
YES, that is correct. This whole post has been a meditation on the lyrics to MmmBop. Why did you never see the meaning before? Because you were not open to planting different seeds of understanding. Well the farmer cannot plant crops without understanding the soil. Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see that there is more under the heavens than you ever imagined.
By the way...given what I have shared with you in this post I hope you can now listen to MmmBop and here the VIBRANCY and JOY for life that streams out of the video below. Wow, given the reality that these 3 brothers wrote about in MmmBop...namely the nature of humanity and the uncertain nature of building relationships I feel that the positive feeling shows wisdom far beyond their years. Juxtapose that to stoner jam bands that simply celebrate being high and I think the monumental level of achievment by the Hanson brothers is even more amazing.
Finally I end with why I named this post Potpourri. Basically your memories of your friends, lovers, enemies, family and random encounters form a potpourri in your soul that ends up being the tapestry of your life and in a way defines who you are and were. I hope to make my potpourri one worth savoring. I am well on my way and thank each and everyone of you for helping me to plant that seed or flower!
Saturday, September 1
Walk Around the Block for Peace!

Many of you loyal readers know that some time ago I planned to bike around the world for peace with my good friend William. Well, do any of you out there know how far it is around the world? I didn’t. It’s a hella long way. Way too far to bike. Plus there’s water in the way. And William totally bailed on me anyway.
So, with my aspirations of delivering the message of peace through excessive exercise dashed, I turned towards more sedentary and attainable means of allowing my positive energy to flow through others.
I soon devised a plan to ride the train across the country for peace. Not nearly as impressive, I know, but way easier. The opportunity arose earlier this summer when I was going to be heading out to Minneapolis and New York to visit my sister. Aha, I realized, all I really had to do was tack on a few miles to make it to DC, and interject the word ‘peace’ into my travel plans, and voila! Train ride for peace! The results of that trip can be found on my fake blog (it doesn’t get updated very often, I think my fake writers are lazy stoner hippies).
However, some might argue that my message of peace wasn’t quite as loud as it could be, despite my in-depth train discussions on trout fishing and etymology, and having tea with a Congress dude. So, I’m sending another message, and this one I intend to be heard loud and clear.
I’m walking around the block for peace! That’s right, at 1pm (or so, whenever I get up and get dressed) tomorrow, I’m going to walk outside, turn right, and walk all the way around the block. I encourage all other peace-loving individuals to do the same, as close to 1pm as you can. That will really make our corrupt corporate-driven government stand up and take notice!
Next week I’ll probably ride my bike to work. For peace. If anyone out there wants to sponsor my efforts, you know how to find me.
Trends in Sweetness

In reaching out to you folks, my fans, I want to be more explicit in how I view my evolution. Well I guess I would aim for the word REVOLUTION instead of evolution. The concept of Karma and cyclical patterns to our lives is nothing new to those familiar to Eastern ways of thinking.
Over the last decade I have gone back through my private diary, The Frohnalogues, and used the emotional tone of the entries to program(computer lingo)an advanced readout of my year to year Sweetness quotient. The original graph was so complex in its tri axial flow of information. So I "streamlined" it for you folks.
Please notice I left room for even higher levels of sweetness. I think only the 24 Tirthankaras reached consistently higher levels of Ensweetenment.
Thursday, August 30
The Fine Art of Bustin' In

If there's anything that my life experiences have taught me, it's that sharing is one of the most important and rewarding interactions one life force can have with another. Sharing thoughts and feelings, stories, energy, good times and bad. Oh yeah, and sharing food.
See, the thing about food is that one person, at some point down the line in the processing and production of said food, has likely paid for it in some fashion. One of the most common is paying money to a bar or other establishment for a plate of fries, never mind the migrant slave worker who pulled the pesticide-laden potato out of the ground, or the guy working in the back of the bar for minimum wage slicing potatoes and frying them up, or the waitress (or waiter, but hopefully waitress) who brought the fries out to the table. See, I would rather not contribute my hard-earned money to that colossal waste of resources, but damn, I sure would like some fries. So, how do you convince someone that sharing fries is not only good for the environment, but is also good clean fun, despite the fact that they paid for it and you didn't? I'll show you.
"Dude, mind if I bust in on those fries?"
See what I did there? No? Let me break it down for you.
"Dude..." puts us on equal footing. Despite my superior intellect, I'm hip to your jive. We're all just dudes here.
"...mind if I..." puts the onus of negation on you. If you say yes, then you're sweet, dude. If you say no, then you're not cool. You can augment that effect by acting hurt if they say no.
"...bust in on..." is the verb of choice here. It acknowledges that what I am doing is jarring and rude, but it does not apologize. It states in no uncertain terms that I'm gonna eat some of those fries, and you're gonna let me.
"...those fries?" is obviously determined by the medium here. It might be 'some chips and salsa' or 'that pizza'. However, I've found that if the subject is 'your girlfriend', then should not use the techniques described here. You probably won't get the answer you're looking for.
Tuesday, August 28
Relax, Take it easy - Nardo Polo's Zen Theme
I know I have often stated that I will try to post original content as much as possible. But I wanted to share this song with all of you Nardo-ites. It is a song by an Lebanese immigrant to England by the name of Mika. In the song he talks of taking a train with complete strangers and finally realizing that everywhere you go it is the same. The same humanity and the same fears and joys. So why not relax and take it easy. For there is nothing that we can do.
"Relax (Take It Easy)"Took a ride to the end of the line Where no one ever goes.
Ended up on a broken train with nobody I know.
But the pain and the (longings) the same.
(Now I'm lost and I'm screaming for help.)
Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do. Blame it on me or blame it on you.
New Poll
Monday, August 27
Ode to my iphone

I’ve got something in my front pocket for you
Why don’t you reach down in my pocket and see what it is
Then grab onto it, it’s just for you
Give a little squeeze and say, ‘How do you do?’
There’s something in my front pocket, There’s something in my front pocket for youuuuuuu
iphone you make me happy to be alive
Even sitting in the dumpiest dive
Oh you are so very clutch
with your hi tech interface of multi-touch
I consider you almost nearly my bro
cuz you are so sweet with your cover flow
Phone calls, photos and video
even songs by P Diddy, YO!
Those that don't have you will feel remorse
As if they are enduring a hi tech divorce
I must end by saying Jobs is a genius
If you don't agree then suck my penius
Sunday, August 26
What does it mean to become Nardo Polo?
Why not have a Blog called Becoming Mark Frohnmayer? Well let me try to elucidate my reasons for this choice.
1. We are all who we are always and we always will be until the beginning of time. But really who I am is not who I am to you or to you. I am, as we all are, Schrodinger's Mark awaiting your seeing me to decide how I will be in your reality. So in effect there are endless numbers of me awaiting discovery by others and thus by myself...IS THAT NOT SO?
2. The choice of allowing myself to become other than me is simply an allowance I have given myself to be my own juxtaposed duality at my leisure. Maybe I am water to your canal and I flow in a certain way as predesribed by my balance and understanding of the external or internal loci of control.
In math this would be the set of points satisfying a particular condition, often forming a curve of some sort. In our interactions the curve or arc of our relationships sometimes do not allow for tangential points to exist. So to discover all the possible Marks I need to be allowed an outlet to be more than one thing to myself and to you at the same time.
The end goal is to simply keep things fresh and sweet but never stagnant. As well all know that life is movement and stagnation is not sweet.
1. We are all who we are always and we always will be until the beginning of time. But really who I am is not who I am to you or to you. I am, as we all are, Schrodinger's Mark awaiting your seeing me to decide how I will be in your reality. So in effect there are endless numbers of me awaiting discovery by others and thus by myself...IS THAT NOT SO?
2. The choice of allowing myself to become other than me is simply an allowance I have given myself to be my own juxtaposed duality at my leisure. Maybe I am water to your canal and I flow in a certain way as predesribed by my balance and understanding of the external or internal loci of control.
In math this would be the set of points satisfying a particular condition, often forming a curve of some sort. In our interactions the curve or arc of our relationships sometimes do not allow for tangential points to exist. So to discover all the possible Marks I need to be allowed an outlet to be more than one thing to myself and to you at the same time.
The end goal is to simply keep things fresh and sweet but never stagnant. As well all know that life is movement and stagnation is not sweet.
Poetry rules...does it not?
Today my large headed friend and I attended a really cool and suprising event. It was held at the Milking Goat Coffee Factory in Eugene. I was expecting self absorbed people droning on in similar fashions.
In fact it turns out that each and every person had their own unique charisma that they brought to the stage. Some were very comfortable and some were downright terrified. Some were funny and some were serious. Some were prepared and some were making it up as they went along. Men and women shared their NESS with us and it was wonderful. In fact it inspired me to write a poem for the Blog. Please be aware this is just me typing words out off the top of my balding head....changes may be made later. I also plan to attend next month's slam at the Random Goat Herder Coffee House.
okay then....onto the poem...
Patiently you waited for me but really you waited for the me you wanted you to be.
Hushed whispers exchanged in the cozy cocoon of our intimacies were not truths but moments
Moments that last only for as long as the proximally triggered lusts can entwine my attention.
Wait, my hat is straw and Harrison Ford doesn't know where I have gone. Kelly McGillis pines.
For the life yet lived is made tangible by our hopes yet realized........................................dear.
In fact it turns out that each and every person had their own unique charisma that they brought to the stage. Some were very comfortable and some were downright terrified. Some were funny and some were serious. Some were prepared and some were making it up as they went along. Men and women shared their NESS with us and it was wonderful. In fact it inspired me to write a poem for the Blog. Please be aware this is just me typing words out off the top of my balding head....changes may be made later. I also plan to attend next month's slam at the Random Goat Herder Coffee House.
okay then....onto the poem...
Patiently you waited for me but really you waited for the me you wanted you to be.
Hushed whispers exchanged in the cozy cocoon of our intimacies were not truths but moments
Moments that last only for as long as the proximally triggered lusts can entwine my attention.
Wait, my hat is straw and Harrison Ford doesn't know where I have gone. Kelly McGillis pines.
For the life yet lived is made tangible by our hopes yet realized........................................dear.
Saturday, August 25
I like to stay at the NMKY
One of my absolute standards to my morning routine, before yoga, before showering...even before soy protein injections...I stand naked in front of the bathroom mirror and perform the YMCA, by the Village People. I alternate between being each different character.
Well, yesterday, my world was rocked when I saw this video! Now I have 7 more characters and the opportunity to learn Finnish! When I finally make it over to Finland on my world tour of train systems, this definitely going to help land me a couple of massages with happy "finnishes"!
Well, yesterday, my world was rocked when I saw this video! Now I have 7 more characters and the opportunity to learn Finnish! When I finally make it over to Finland on my world tour of train systems, this definitely going to help land me a couple of massages with happy "finnishes"!
Thursday, August 23
The Concoction
I am sooo tired and have a huge day tomorrow. I don't know how I will get through it and be all I need to be.
Ohhh yes I do, I will fill my internal beaker with a potion made of 1 part adrenaline and 2 parts love.
That my friends is a pretty potent brew.
Ohhh yes I do, I will fill my internal beaker with a potion made of 1 part adrenaline and 2 parts love.
That my friends is a pretty potent brew.
Got Milkyway?
Conflict means to strike together. Well this might sound less than desirable but it really is the clear definition of life from the micro to the macro points of view. At the atomic and molecular level with have interaction or striking together(conflict) happening all of the time. Sometimes that conflict results in two perfectly matched units finding their zen groove with each other and sometimes it results in a spectacular repulse reaction. This is life at the galactic level as well!
So what about me and you and how we strike together. Dude, it would be sweet if our cleavage was the joining kind and not the breaking into pieces kind. Unless the breaking into pieces kind was your firm, nubile breasts heaving up and down as we practice tantric conflict then I wish to strike you deep to your yoni spot with my lingam stone. After all we are only mimicking the actions of atomic particles and/or galactic bodies..only in the HERE and NOW..which is the only place our conflict can and will take place. Deny your desire to cleave with me and you are denying the realities of every interaction that existed and will ever exist.
My plans are not to have this be your plan. My plan is to be me and release me to the universe and I just hope your galactically feminine form will be my nighttime Cassiopeia.
So what about me and you and how we strike together. Dude, it would be sweet if our cleavage was the joining kind and not the breaking into pieces kind. Unless the breaking into pieces kind was your firm, nubile breasts heaving up and down as we practice tantric conflict then I wish to strike you deep to your yoni spot with my lingam stone. After all we are only mimicking the actions of atomic particles and/or galactic bodies..only in the HERE and NOW..which is the only place our conflict can and will take place. Deny your desire to cleave with me and you are denying the realities of every interaction that existed and will ever exist.
My plans are not to have this be your plan. My plan is to be me and release me to the universe and I just hope your galactically feminine form will be my nighttime Cassiopeia.
Random thoughts
** Yoda and Yoga are nearly the same word and both lead to peace and wisdom.
** What direction can I go but towards me?
** Dude, totally the best movie I have seen in a long time has not yet been made.
** Why is it called the toothbrush and not teethbrush?
** Waking up with the dawn is like turning on the light of my soul in conjunction with other stuff.
** What direction can I go but towards me?
** Dude, totally the best movie I have seen in a long time has not yet been made.
** Why is it called the toothbrush and not teethbrush?
** Waking up with the dawn is like turning on the light of my soul in conjunction with other stuff.
Tuesday, August 21
need a break from work
I am considering taking some time off from work. I am exhausted from the daily grind and perhaps need to treat myself to some reduced working hours.
thinking about the iphone
Wouldn't it be cool to construct a head band that held the iphone 6-12 inches in front of your face? This would basically create the finest device for hands free video enjoyment.
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